Quality Management System: Employee Roles

Quality Management System: Employee Roles

If you are creating or in an organization, the question of what “role” each employee plays will come up. Naturally, we think of assigned titles such as “President”, “CEO”, “Founder”, “CTO” as a person’s assigned role. But do people with these assigned titles truly understand what their responsibilities in their role really means?

In a lean organization, the assigned title does not always fully reflect a person’s responsibilities. For example, the person with the assigned title of “CEO” may also be responsible for Finance and/or Computer Support. As an organization grows, the need for new responsibilities will also grow. For example, a company that is just starting to develop a product may not need a Marketing VP just yet.

If we identify the needed responsibilities first and then assign the responsibility to an individual or several individuals, we will know and be able to anticipate any “gaps” that could occur if a certain individual were to leave regardless of what his assigned title was.

 About Conformity Technology

At Conformity, our goal is to take the pain out of conformance with standards such as ISO 9001. Visit us at http://www.conformitytech.com to learn how we can help you with your conformance needs.

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